Monday, September 12, 2011

Teach Yourself to Play Music - A Very Basic Lesson for Music and Piano

Finding your way round on the piano is not difficult; all you need to know is one note. With this key note, excuse the pun, you can find every note on the piano. So I can tell you that this key note is the Middle C. To find this key note look to the two black keys left of centre on your keyboard, now the white key left of these two black keys is the Middle C.

From one elusive note, Middle C, this enables you to find every note on the bass and treble lines of your sheet music. These notes that you have on your sheet music relate to the piano by way of the white keys of the keyboard. Using the same process that we used on the sheet music you can find and name every white key on the keyboard. But first you need locate the middle C on your keyboard.

To find this Middle C however we must look at the pattern of the black keys. You will see that they alternate from two together to three together. Now if we place a finger in the centre of our keyboard or piano, you will see a set of two black keys to the left of centre. The white key to the left of these twin black keys is the Middle C. To help you find it easy if you remember that the white key at the centre of every twin black keys is always the note D.

This shows that the nearest C to the centre of your keyboard is slightly left of centre. It is called the Middle C because of its location in sheet music. At this moment do not concern yourself further with the black keys. Now you have your Middle C, to the right of the Middle C is the treble staff or stave of your sheet music and to the left is the bass staff or stave of your sheet music.

With this knowledge and using white notes only, you should be able to play and name every note on the keyboard, from Middle C, go right to D, E, F, G, A, B, C, D and so on to the end of your keyboard, then from the Middle C again go left in reverse alphabet mode to B, A, G, F, E, D, C and so on to the left end of your keyboard. Play and say these notes out loud often and in different order in your practice and you will soon be able to find them at will.

Summing up, in this article, Teach Yourself to Play Music - A Very Basic Lesson for Music and Piano; we found Middle C on our sheet music and from there we found all the notes for the treble and all the notes for the base. Transferring that knowledge to the piano we found Middle C and from there we found all the notes to the right, the treble notes, all the notes to the left, the bass notes and played and named every white key on our keyboard. This has been a very basic lesson in music but I truly hope that it helped to demystify the piano and music in general.

My name is Ken Aindow and I too am a Budding Piano Player. I have always wanted to play music, but never realised just how easy it was to learn until now. From the article above you will now know how easy it is for you to each yourself to play music. If you wish to follow up on this type of easy lessons please feel free to visit my website - Teach Yourself To Play Music. for more free lessons and advice on where to go next.

View the original article here

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