Sunday, September 11, 2011

How A Good Guitar Teacher Will Help New And Experienced Guitarists

Learning to play guitar just like learning any music instrument can be difficult, you will hear lots of people give advice about regular practice and how spending just 20 minutes a day will make a huge difference. Practicing guitar regularly will of course help you to progress but it is also important to know what to practice. It's no good just sitting and playing something you know over and over again, it's also no good endlessly trying to play something that your skills haven't developed enough for. Practicing something you already know will make you better at it but it will also become very boring and practicing to play something that your guitar skills are simply not ready for will make you extremely frustrated.

So how does someone who wants to learn to play guitar decide just what they should spend their practice sessions playing, this is where a guitar teacher comes in, having a good guitar teacher to keep you focussed on developing the right skills at the right pace is essential, we have all heard of great guitar players who were self taught such as Hillel Slovak from the Red Hot Chilli Peppers & Jimi Hendrix who learnt his style just by experimenting, believe me these are the exception, most guitar players do have a tutor at some stage to help them develop their playing skills.

A guitar teacher is much more than just someone who will to show you all the chords and how to play them well. A good guitar instructor can act as a mentor, someone who will push you to excel & perfect your skills to be better than even you could have thought. They can teach you to open your mind to different sounds and tones and allow to find your own path to making music.

Having a guitar teacher from the outset will help you to learn in a structured way, concentrating on refining key areas of your play and structuring your learning will make sure you are learning the right things at the right time, when you first start to play it is also important to have a guitar teacher who can explain things clearly to you and help you to understand where to focus on to improve your guitar playing, these are the things you will be practicing outside of your lessons to help you progress in to a competent guitar player.

A guitar teacher will also be there to help you over those difficult periods that every musician comes across when we feel like we have hit a wall and can't seem to learn a certain technique, your guitar tutor will help you get past these hurdles and encourage you to stay focussed. Before you know it the wall is past and you find you can competently play the guitar lick or difficult chord you thought seemed impossible.

I have been playing guitar now for over three years, when I first started playing I thought I would be able to teach myself but quickly realised that their were only certain things that I could learn without the guidance of a good guitar teacher. My first guitar teacher didn't work out for me so I moved on to my current one who I have been with for three years and I am still learning and being taught new guitar techniques that improve my playing. If you are a beginner setting out to learn to play guitar a teacher will be invaluable, if you are a more experienced player who is looking to develop their playing skills further a guitar teacher will undoubtedly speed up the learning process.

Steve Spinks is a guitar player based in Brighton, Sussex. Steve has been playing guitar for three years and strives to become a better guitarist.
Guitar Lessons Brighton

Guitar Teacher Brighton

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