Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Learning to Play The Piano Can Be Achieved in Different Ways

Traditionally learning to play piano has been taught by learning the names of notes on the music and the keys to produce the same note on the piano keyboard. This system is used by the majority of music teachers around the world and teaches a solid foundation of both music and piano playing.

There are disadvantages of the system, its slow speed being the main one. Many students fall by the wayside as they become disillusioned with the time it is taking to be able to play interesting music. Another is that you will effectively be learning two things at the same time; reading music, and learning the piano with its associated issues.

There is a different route that can be taken requiring very little teaching of music theory initially. The system does teach music to a similar level as the traditional teaching method would over time. The method places more emphasis on playing piano rather than learning music at the beginning. The result is the student plays the piano quicker, the music element being learned in small bite size pieces at the beginning and larger pieces later in the course.

The system is interval learning or playing in patterns. The distance between notes in music is called an interval. The interval can be used as a means of following the music. The distance between notes is looked at as a pattern rather than the name of a note having to be recognized.The number of keys are counted on the keyboard from the last note in the pattern. By using this method patterns are followed rather than having to recognize the actual note value.

The use of this system quickens the process of being able to play the piano by following music although the values of the notes may not be recognized. As your learning progress continues you will start to recognize the note values and be able to recognize the notes both on the paper and the piano keys.

The disadvantage of the system is that your knowledge of the note values takes longer than in the traditional method. The advantages are that you will be following music quicker than would be the case with traditional methods and be able to play a wider range of music that interests you sooner.

Overall the difference in time to understand the basics and be able to play at a reasonable standard between the two methods will probably be negligible. The interval system would suggest that you are less likely to fall into the category of people who failed in their attempts to learn to play piano, due to being bored with the slow progress being made with the traditional system of music tuition.

The system you choose to learn by is personal choice although the interval method is not as widely taught as traditional methods of piano tuition. It is possible to find teachers who do teach this method of piano tuition.

Should you be interested in learning more click here for a free eBook

Jackie Clark has been teaching piano, keyboard and guitar for over 25 years in several countries. She has a 100% success rate with pupils taking exams in traditional teaching methods and also has on line courses of instruction using a variety of methods.

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