Tuesday, September 6, 2011

How to Motivate Yourself When Learning to Play Guitar

If you are learning to play guitar, or if you already began to learn guitar chords, chances are that you have felt bored and frustrated; perhaps you have felt that playing the guitar is not for you, you find it more complicated than you thought it would be... anyway, you are not alone. You are not the first one or the last one getting that feeling, it happened to most guitar players when they began.

The reason I know that happens is because I have felt like that too, and I still feel like that every now and then when I'm trying to learn a new song; the only difference now is that I know that it can be done and that in the end is a small victory for me, now I know that if others were able to do it, I'm more than capable to do it as well.

The hardest step is to begin, learning the basics and the fundamentals of the guitar, this is usually the part when most people quit, and the truth is that it can get tricky at first; it is only after you learn the chords that you can start playing songs and having fun with your guitar.

Let me give you a few tips that have helped me in the past and still help me whenever I want to try something different in the guitar:

1. Visualize yourself playing your favorite songs. If you are learning a new song or if you are learning the basics of the guitar and you feel that you are going nowhere, visualize yourself playing that song that inspired you to start playing guitar in the first place, this will be like putting gas on your tank and you'll probably get the feeling you once felt; this is a great way to motivate yourself

2. Remember why you wanted to learn guitar. This one is a lot like visualizing yourself playing your favorite songs; when you get that feeling that you don't want to continue, start thinking why you wanted to start playing guitar, maybe to impress someone, to be famous, perhaps you want to start a career as a musician or just because you want to play the songs of your favorite band, either way think about it and this will make you feel good about what you are fighting for.

3. Do not overwhelm yourself. Too much practice can lead into frustration as well. I think that playing an hour a day is a great way to improve really fast, but if you are feeling bored after half an hour, what you can do is make a shorter practice session, try to practice for fifteen minutes a day and eventually you will feel the need to practice more and you'll see that time flies when you are having fun with your guitar.

4. Give yourself a pad on the back after practice. After you've done your homework, give yourself a little reward, if you like chocolates, have a chocolate or anything you like, but only after you've finished your practice, this is great to keep yourself motivated.

Learning guitar is a great experience, try to practice every day to see results and the best advice I can give you is to find a guitar course, stick to it and you'll be amazed with the results you'll see. Good luck and have a great day.

George Balibrera is an experienced guitarist with over 12 years playing guitar. Starting to Play Guitar Can be fun and exciting when you have the proper method to learn. Buy Jamorama at the best price and start learning guitar right away or improve your skills as a musician. Remember, practice is the key. To your success.

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