Thursday, November 17, 2011

Teaching Guitar in the 21st Century

Could I be teaching guitar without a computer? I could but I don't! The computer is part of most people lives today with Facebook, Google, Twitter, iTunes and more. It is big part of my teaching business. My uses for the computer include research, developing teacher materials, transcribing, marketing, sales, website, email, and recording.

I research online what other teachers are teaching and how they teach it. I see the good and the bad. This helps me improve my teaching ability. I also shop for books for students and myself to use for lessons. Google books is great for this. You can get "a look inside" of book you are shopping for. You can also see some reviews.

A guitar teacher not using a computer is not being competitive. The ability to produce clean and professional handouts and materials with software greatly improves student's and parents perception of the teacher. I have built a nice folder of files for my students ranging from open chords, notes on the guitar to advanced chords and polyrhythm. I do not have to write things in each lesson. It is already done. I have the printed out or can email them to the student.

I use software for transcribing. I have software that will slowdown MP3's to make it easier and more accurately to transcribe. I save these slowdown versions for students so they can practice songs slowly and gradually speed up to the proper tempo. This is important. The software will also change pitch, which comes in handy with bands that tune down. I can raise the pitch to regular tuning or in the case of drop C or B tunings, to drop D. I do not have to retune my whole guitar. I use another software to write out the songs or solos I am learning. I do this for my students and myself. I also encourage my students to do the same.

I use recording software to record custom backing tracks and exercises for my students. The backing tracks are used for learning to solo with different techniques. When a student learns to play a song, they can record with the backing into the computer during a lesson. Recording songs, techniques, and exercises with a video camera into the computer also helps students practice and review what was done in the lesson.

Other use of the computer for the guitar teacher is a website. A guitar teacher needs a website. When someone is looking for a local teacher, most of them go to Google and do a search. Having a website is necessary to get students. Teachers can develop a website online at various hosting companies. I did this for a while but I was getting annoyed and impatience with having to go online to change or add anything to the site. I eventually bought website software so I have more control and quicker updates to the site. Potential students contact me via phone or email from information posted on my website. Potential students contact me via phone or email from information posted on my website. Current students can go to the site and do ear training, watch videos and more.

I feel without the use of the computer for various aspects of my teaching business, I would have less students and less money.

Hopefully, this helps.

Brian has over 18 years Music industry experience and a guitar player for over 30 years. Brian currently teaches in Rockland County, NY. He can be contacted at

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